mikestreety’s avatarmikestreety’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,024

      1. Span up my first @eleven_ty dev site this evening. Took me a while to get my head around what I want from it - I found all the examples overwhelming, but I think that is just how I work and learn. I can see the appeal though, not sure i'm a 100% convert...yet 😉
    1. …in reply to @mikestreety
      Also I'm personally not a fan of lots of files in a single folder & underscores in folder names I'm having to overwrite some of the base config but it seems @eleven_ty is cool with that. Like a younger brother who just wants to be your friend and will go along with anything
  1. …in reply to @mikestreety
    I'm making a documentation site form MD files, this is what I have so far: Using the Navigation plugin means I can just build the structure how I like and specify details in the head of the content docs. Shame it won't build it automatically from the files/folders
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API