mikestreety’s avatarmikestreety’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,742

        1. Here's a DevOps conundrum I've been facing today... In our office we have a web server which is slower when you are in the office than when you are remote and connecting over our VPN.
      1. …in reply to @mikestreety
        We've narrowed it down to being to do with Apache or similar, as other servers on the network are speedy. This particular server takes 5 seconds to load a single html file, the same file takes 20ms remotely over VPN. Hardwiring to the switch doesn't make any difference.
    1. …in reply to @mikestreety
      We've removed VPN and DNS services from the network as well as isolating that single server with still no significant speed improvements 😕
  1. …in reply to @mikestreety
    This is not a new problem (so can't be pin pointed to a config change or something), it's now just a bit more important as people are returning to the office.